Saturday, June 26, 2010

Our Day

Today is OUR day. The day Scott and I chose to celebrate with our friends and family our love. The date was picked to join us through our birthdays. It will always be our day. I see it all. I see us all. Not just Scott and I but all of the people we loved in our lives.

I have walked through today with friends who have held me up. They were supposed to be there to hold me up in my joy but they got my sorrow. You can't replace friends who have done the things for me that they have. I know I am only standing because of them. I still don't know what the plan for my life is to be but I know I have to hand it to GOD and my angels to provide for me. I ask for guidance and love to light my path. I hand over my worries and fears and know I will walk this road. I will not be alone. I have not been alone through this tragedy.

There is comfort in taking this to the light of love I am surrounded in. I choose to not be a victim to those in life who try to hurt me. I choose to embrace those who love me even in my new self. I may not know who I am to be but they will help me find my path. I may not like my life right now and it has been full of ongoing changes but I will continue to be in the place I need to be. I will be taking it one day at a time.

Today will always be our day. My dress stays in the closet and Scott went to his final resting place in the clothes we picked out laughing and lovingly for him. I know that sign says "employee of the month!" my love. I feel him whispering his love and holding me close. He will always love me and I will always love him. My heart will be forever changed because we found each other. He may be physically gone but he is never far because he always calls me "my heart!" as he wraps his spiritual arms around me. There are things only he and I know. Secrets that are in my heart for the two of us.

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