Sunday, June 27, 2010


Just got done looking at pictures I've never seen of Scott and I in WDW. It wasn't easy but I know just from the pictures how much love we share. I miss my partner in life. I'm mentally and physically drained but still getting out of bed each day.

Tonight is a thoughtful night. I'm not exactly sure where I am with all of this other then I've made it another day. I do know the place I'm going to be in for the time has to be one of less stress. My physical self is loosing too much. The dpression is deep and the panic attacks can be overwhelming. I know what I must do to conquer each day.

I am finding my way at my pace. There are so many people I can count on. People who aren't always next to me in person but are there on spirit. I let their love and positive thoughts continue to support me. I will make it through the rest of this day because that is all that matters. I live forward one day at a time and one second at a time. It isn't about time. It is about my soul and spirit finding peace and acceptance of the events I can't control. The life that I had is no more but the love will never die.

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