Friday, July 23, 2010


I found a new place to cry today - the bank. I did another step in making sure I take care of things the way Scott wanted them done. We promised each other to infinity and beyond - not until death do us part. He is living up to his end and I'm living up to my end just in different realms of the meaning of life.

So back to the bank. I had been in a few weeks ago fixing the problem with my mortgage and got to know one of the Personal Bankers and then the VP of the bank branch. These two people were very caring and compassionate and helped me through this process. They made sure they had it all done correctly and showed genuine concern about me. How often have you gotten teary eyed at the bank? They told me I was amazing and handed me a box of tissue. I will be writing a nice letter full of compliments to the bank because these people need recognition. I knew what we needed legally to get the process started weeks ago but I can't believe I got another step done today. I will continue to honor Scott's wishes.

I am only being myself. I am who I am. I don't know how to be fake and I genuinely care about the welfare of others. Sounds like the old joke of the beauty pageant contests, "I want world peace!" Sometimes it is hard to be nice but I bite my tongue and just keep going because in the end if I feel good about how I've lived my life and treated others then it will be okay. I know that is the person Scott fell in love with and I don't want to be any different. I'm not perfect, far from it! I do make mistakes and I try to own up to them for the most part! My relationship with Scott was never a mistake. Our love has a power beyond words.

I'm going to keep trying, not only for myself but for all the lives around me that I continue to touch each and every day. Sometimes I don't even know that I have but I'm trying to live forward and find myself, my new self that is because I have a huge lesson in the growth of my soul and spirit to continue to learn from for the rest of my mortal life. I hope you know as a person reading what I write that you have also touched my life that words can't do justice.

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