Friday, May 20, 2011

Dressing to Kill

And then there are days like today that make it all worthwhile! Work felt like another Monday for part of the day but then again I survived. The best part was picking Hannah up from school and heading to Dillard's in what turned into a shopping spree for her. The band banquet is tomorrow night as I'm still diligently working on  table decorations that look pretty awesome if I say so myself. Hannah, however, needs to look like a "Bond Girl!" I think we made it after two hours of watching her try on little tiny dresses in a body that I would kill to have myself. We finally picked three after lots of giggling and sorting through dresses. I'm glad I accepted the fact that she wanted to do this shopping trip with me!

We picked out shoes too! Now that was another experience because the cute little boy sales clerk was flirting outrageously with her. He admitted to her that he thought she was graduating. Oh boy Dad we are in trouble. Why do I know in my heart that Scott would have been standing right there alive so I know he was there in spirit. The last time Hannah and I shopped for dresses was before Scott died. We argued and he had to intervene. Today wasn't like that! It was a perfect afternoon/evening. I am so very blessed to have Hannah in my life. God new what he was doing when she was given to me. She is my old soul with a very powerful spirit.

We came home and I watched her try on all three dresses that we bought and practice in her first real pair of heels. Oh my! Scott you had better be making sure she is protected from above! Hannah then had a fashion show for my friend, Rhonda who came over to help me with these decorations. What a great evening. For the first time in a long time I didn't feel lost on a Friday night. No boredom here! Mike came to pick up Hannah for the weekend so we had another fashion show. The look on his face was priceless. I think I'm handling the teenage girl idea better then he is! I, however, am sure that I will be losing the "date" bet with her looking like that. I tried though! Let's just say it is fun to have a good relationship with you ex enough to say, "Who you gonna set me up with!" His answer was, "I've got some ideas!"

I liked tonight! I love having the perfect life with Hannah. I'm still so afraid of being alone for the next two months but I have a feeling Hannah would be here in a heartbeat if I need her. We have our moments of battles but the love is such a deep bond with my beautiful, heartbreaker daughter. I know all I ever have to do is ask and she is there for me! I know she worries deeply about me being alone as life continues to live forward. I know with her I have truly been surrounded by light and love! She gives me strength to LIVE, LAUGH and LOVE! Somehow I have a feeling, "It's Okay. I love you!" will continue to fill my life. I will be loved again but I'm good with the love of my daughter, my friends and my family.

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