Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hidden Treasure

"Each substance of a grief hath twenty shadows." -William Shakespeare

I am getting through each shadow of grief. There are things that happen that I don't even expect. Today we went to lunch and I passed on a detour a path I didn't even know I had taken before because it was from the opposite direction. Overwhelming memories of being on those streets and in those buildings with Scott. I often wonder if there will be a time that something doesn't strike me. It isn't painful just a wave of loneliness for the laughter and love.

"Never forget that you are not alone. The Divine is with you helping and guiding.. He is the companion who never fails, the friend whose love comforts and strengthens. Have faith and He will do everything for you." -Aurobindo (Hindu)

I know those spots are great memories that keep my heart full of love and laughter. I know that where ever I go I am surround by that light and love. I know I have so many great new memories attached to those old ones. I do still feel the pain but I am able to be in the world and live forward. I understand so much more then I ever did before Scott died. I also know myself. I accept those moments of memories because they keep me going into whatever life I may be patiently waiting to continue.

I have so many things to focus upon that keep me in my smiles. I have so many people that I want to keep going for. I can't wait to find more joy and happiness. I can't wait to have a new path to drive past with new memories. Scott loved to drive me around all the places he had lived and point out his memories. His life is forever entwined into mine. I still have many more memories to make. I just take each day I am given and find those moments to treasure. Driving a detour today was like a special treasure hunt just for me. Look up, look around, your treasure might just be somewhere you have been before!

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