Monday, May 23, 2011

My Prayers

Today the tears of sadness watching all of the devastation from so many hours away bring so many emotions to the surface. Then you get to work and the world goes on but how do you focus when you want to help the people you care about and a place you have great fondness. I have so many people from my life effected by this storm and the aftermath. The really horrible part of all this is the lives lost and now people are going in taking things from people who have lost everything. I'm still stuck in a world where I don't understand people or life. I don't think that will ever change. Just when I figure it out something bad and awful happens that takes my spirit and faith and twists it into many knots.

I am struggling with the life goes on part again. I wrap my brain around it or try to everyday when I get up from an empty bed. To a day of not being held or cherished by my love. I can't imagine the loss and devastation my friends and family are trying to cope with during this tragedy but yet I understand the grief process so deeply. I just want to wrap my arms around them all to surround them with light and love. If there is anything I know after this year is life doesn't have a rewind button. Somewhere there is a power button for strength when you think you can't continue.

I sit here looking at the images of this on the screen. Anderson Cooper is in a town that has hit the map. I want to keep all my cherished memories of a life and a place that can't be ever again. The courage of the survivors gives me hope for their lives. I want to be able to give to them. So many are focused on living forward. Several people have posted pictures from St. Mary's Catholic Church with the cross still standing and another from St. John's Hospital with a cross still hanging on the wall. There is a message for us all. So as I once again struggle with my faith and spiritual beliefs all I can do is pray.

"Please surround them with Your light and love, guide them, protect them and show them the way. Give me the strength to find a way to help friends, families and strangers as they begin the hardest journey of their lives. I'm sorry so many people had to reach their expiration dates. I'm trying to understand the plans you have for them. I will continue to ask each moment to help find the survivors and guide the souls of our lost loved ones into Your arms." -K

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