Monday, May 2, 2011


"Anyone who tells a story speaks a world into being." - Michael Williams

This is one statement that can be true not just in the telling of the story of the life of the person you love but also in the telling of your own story. Scott's life was more then our moments together. He was an entire life before me. I still am fascinated hearing the stories from other people. The moments that he shared with me. I have both sides of the book. I loved listening to him tell me all about his life. He tried so hard to make up for lost time together. He always told me our life should have started in my home town where he had his first seizure! Life is connected you just never know when or how you will intersect.

As I sit here writing I think about my own story. It's not over I have so much more to live and share. This journey is where I am supposed to be. I share with the hopes that I can make a difference in someone else's life. Truthfully, though, I would rather be writing a story of my own imagination. I would rather be writing an intruquing romance novel. That story isn't one that comes from my fingers at the moment. What I have is my life to give.

Today a friend of mine commented once again on how patient I am. I chuckled to myself and thought "if you only knew!" Then I think about the person I have the least patience with is always myself. I want my story to keep moving on. I know that in my writing I have found my own way to heal, my own way to keep living forward into this new person I have become. I want to keep writing until my story has a place to end. I want to know that I matter to someone as much as Scott matters to me. I still look for him even though I know he is gone. It doesn't seem fair that I look in every Tundra that passes but I keep living. I haven't just stopped my life. I will keep living my own story. Now who stole my romantic scenes because I personally think I'm boring!

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