Monday, August 2, 2010


Right as I type this I'm texting with my brother. He texted me out of the blue to tell me that he loves me. I have the best brother. Granted we haven't always been that way and I know we have grown up bunches over the years. You know the saying I can mess with my sister but just let anyone else try! That is us. Scott and I talked lots about our relationships with our siblings. We both had crazy ups and downs.

We are both the oldest and that isn't always easy. Just the week before he died we had a conversation about how I felt as a sister and how he felt as a brother. We talked about how just as in our relationship, spending time with each other because you never know when life will be over, that we must keep trying to make nice with our siblings. It is hard to believe that the next week he was gone and now my brother who I know loves me is actually telling me he loves me! In the end it really is love that you take with you. I love my family so very much. I have a huge extended family to support me also. My Grandmother would be so very proud of the love of all of her grandchildren. We each have our own lives but dropping everything if times of crisis or just calling to say I love you and how are you hanging in there makes it all easier.

"In the community of love, all are at home." from my daily grief meditation book

So in my chosen community of love I will make it through each day until someday the pain isn't the focal point of my daily life!

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