Monday, August 16, 2010

A Few of my Favorite Things

Rainbows and Music are just a few of my favorite things!! Tonight I dropped Hannah off for the Meet the Panthers and new stadium ribbon cutting ceremony for the High School. Yes we really do take our high school football seriously. Scott was so excited for this year and watching our daughter play in the band and all the stuff before and after halftime. Yes that would be the game. If there was a stat he could tell you what it was.

I went back during the time we had to be there and I walked into the beautiful new stadium. Bits of it are the same but not much. I stood in the stands at the 50 yard line and looked East. Over the guest side of the stadium between the lights was a partial rainbow. It was there during the National Anthem. I found a new place to cry - Panther Stadium. Hannah played and I could see her. Today I went and purchased our season tickets to our four home games. It will be hard to go but I will be there for Hannah.

Before I dropped Hannah off we went to eat. We were waiting on our food in an empty restaurant except for the workers in the kitchen. As we sat down Hannah says, "oh know" and then I hear the song. It is, of course, "I Hope You Dance!" I just smile and tell her he plays that one a bunch. We talked about how it was switched at the funeral but that's okay. I don't care how it got switched. I dropped Hannah off and then headed home to change. As I pulled into the driveway, "The Dance" plays and I sit in the driveway and cry.

I love feeling his presence. Sometimes I continue to be amazed by the power but I'm never afraid. He is very comforting just as he promised. He will always find a way. He has gifts that I can't understand just yet. It's not my time to understand but I do embrace the love. I do have Rainbows and Music as just a few of my favorite things.

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