Sunday, December 26, 2010

Soul Identity

You see we happened to leave a present behind. I got it out to take with us but it didn't make it to the car! When we got home Hannah opened it to find a Buzz holding a Buzz Blanket. There was no tag but we decided we just might know who it was from. We were right. It had arrived the other night when Hannah had her girls Christmas gathering. It was from my friend Angela. I now have a small, medium and large Buzz. I get to choose who I hug to bad they aren't the bedfellow I would like to have (wink). I have amazing people who do care about me in my life.

I've been reading on my Kindle. I'm always reading but this book is called Soul Identity. It is a work of fiction, a mystery novel. The general premise of the story is that souls are here on earth more then once. The corporation keeps a person's possessions that they would like stored until they can be reunited with their soul in a different form. A different version of Buddhism. I have learned a bunch about different practices of religion in my quest for knowledge over the years but I seem to have developed a well rounded belief system. This story is amazing to me. That someone could come to these specific words even in a work of fiction.

I know what Scott and I felt when we met. I know the instant fulfilment we both talked about at length. The eyes are the window to the soul and the connection we share is magnificent. One of friends wrote today in her facebook status that there is one soulmate for each of us on Earth. Some are lucky to find theirs. I know I was lucky to share that intense feeling that defies words. I'm struggling with missing looking into his eyes and seeing the love we felt for each other. I see his smile in photos all over our house and feel him looking at me. There is a culture out there that believes photos steal your soul. I don't recall which culture but I know I see Scott's soul in the love in his eyes for me. I know it wasn't stolen but captured for memories to continue.

That love and our memories are here for me to start each day. Each night the childhood prayer goes through my head, "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." I know it isn't my time but I will be ready when it happens. I'm at peace and I don't feel as if I have any personal goals to obtain other then to be here for my daughter. For some reason Scott and I were only allowed to be together briefly but it really was as if we knew each other forever. Maybe I need a pilgrimage, like Eat, Pray, Love to find myself.

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