Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rollercoaster High

Today has been a busy day. We started out bright and early at 7 am. We were in the park about 15 minutes before nine. Here it is 1 am and I'm still wide awake and my wonderful roomies are out and snoozing softly. I wish I was able to make this much energy come forth all the time but I'm pleased for the enjoyment it has given me today.

The highlight of our day occured after one of our favorite rides no matter where we go! "The Great Potty Ride!" Hannah proudly tells that she had selected the bench the sit upon while several of us made a quick visit when this "suit" cast member stops to talk with them. As I come out of the "ride" he has just asked them what their favorite ride has been. Hannah quickly answers The Matterhorn. He then proceeds to ask us "if we could ride any ride at that moment what would it be?" We can answer that quickly because we are headed to California Screamin to meet some friends. He says, "okay let's go now" and walks at a very fast pace to the larger then life coaster.

Along the way we cross paths with some of our friends in our march. We scoop them up and tell them, "come along don't ask questions, but this is a good thing!" We make it to the ride where Charile let's us add some friends to our Magical gift. One of my friends, Twinks, has this fear of rollercoasters but she somehow manages to convince Charlie to ride with her. As we are waiting for the ride to begin she suddenly starts having doubts once again when I remind her of what she keeps telling me. "We all have to do hard things! Look at the past months for me!" She tells me I'm right and that she needs to try at least once. Her daughter is so excited to ride and she has conquered so many challenges in her young life.

Somehow along the way Charlie hands us four more "magic" fast passes to use at other rides in the park. We started calling them the "golden tickets" and tried to use them but our friends kept droping like flies. This was one of those times when it paid to be flexible and just go with what was happening. In the end Hannah and I rode Screamin three times and Tower of Terror twice. I have been feeling so happy and energetic today and I'm sure the adrenaline junkie that I am was thriving on this magic. At the finale of the day we had one remaining fast pass and no way to use it so now we have a souvenior for our scrapbook and a great picture of Charlie with the original group waiting at the exit of the "Great Potty Ride!"

Prayers are answered daily in the most unexpected ways if you are willing to conquer the hard stuff and stay flexible. I'm getting there but I wouldn't be if it weren't for friends reminding me of the person I truly am. We can make it to a spot that doesn't require the coaster junkie in me and I will stay flexible in what I have to do.

Scott continues to hold me in his arms with God's light and love. He surrounds me with so many to care for me and keep me living forward. I will find those golden tickets and keep the magic open. My heart is still full of love. It didn't die with Scott and his love is still here with me as I travel each day. To infinity and beyond.

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