Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Unsolved Mystery!

How do I find answers to messages I receive? I do know I usually figure it out but today it seems a bit odd. I'm a fanatic about my radio being set on certain stations and yesterday Hannah was clicking through them and didn't return one of the settings to the right channel. I flip back and forth between the two settings from set 1 to set 2. This morning I got in the car and flipped to my country station and it wasn't there. It tuned to the Cinemagic station and voila, lots of songs. Now one of those songs was from Flashdance. Interesting but not as difficult as listening to the theme song from An Officer and a Gentleman.

The tears rolled gently down my face all the way to work. Sometimes I wonder if others can see me crying as I'm driving but then I think does it really matter. "Love lift us up..." Meaning another song that I haven't heard since before he passed on. It is one of the songs on his list for us. He is still speaking to me daily. Now back to my dilemma of the Flashdance messages.

I'm working away at my stupid computer that has issues daily and I can hear the resident across the hall tv all day long. Rhonda and I looked at each other because it is always tuned to soap operas or Christian television with God's message. Not today! It was tuned LOUDLY to Flashdance! Rhonda can vouch for me because I then told her about the song in the car. Am I connecting the dots on this one. Nope but if something else happens I will let you know!

I'm making plans for the future. I can get myself up to about six months but anything beyond that I kind of freeze. I'm waiting for 14 days to pass when the most wonderful person and the most important achievement in my life turns 15! She is my light and love on Earth. Her soul must have many years of practice. She just always seems to know when I need her. I'm just sorry she has to grow up in these teen years taking care of me. I feel like a helpless child most days but I'm trying. So I'm off to ponder Flashdance and veg on the couch.

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