Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dirt Therapy/Grub Smacking

I'm not a morning person. I hate getting up early and I think perky early morning people need to be hidden until at least noon! My parents are here because I asked for help with the yard work and you guessed it they get up at the crack of dawn. I slept in for them so at 9 am it was time to go get the work done. I'll have you know I have been known to pull weeds in the backyard around the pool at midnight! It is when I have the most energy. That wasn't happening today.

I got up to the horrifying smell of coffee so I knew the only way to escape was to go outside and work. I feel like the energizer bunny kicked me in the head and then ran over me back and forth after all we've done today. I was working in the dirt with some of my plants, thinning them out and moving them around and I must not have been working fast enough for my Mom! She told me I could move those later. While I kept working they stopped for lunch. I was alone with nature, God and Scott!

I was digging and pulling weeds. I like being out there alone with the dirt and plants. The world is very quiet even in this busy neighborhood. I would dig, find some weed roots, pull them, plant the daylily. The usual routine of gardening. The fun part was digging up the grubs! It is very therapeutic to sit them on my rock border and smash them hard! The guts go everywhere! Much better then any chemical. Gardening is great therapy. The only thing is my type A personality takes over and I want it all to be just right and lined up perfectly without a weed in sight. I try real hard not to line the plants all up in neat little rows and pull every single weed. I have noticed that God didn't have that in mind.

I got a lot of thinking done in the short time I was alone in the front yard. I hatched a plan that requires myself and another friend letting go of our control freakiness! It works in the job but not so well all the time. I'm really trying to enjoy life and be happy in each day. It was hard today because of another bridge. I can stare at the palm trees around the pool and they still don't clip themselves. I still see Scott standing there, cussing them out. I still have his shirt in his closet with the blood stain from the palm poking him. I haven't washed it. It still smells like him.

I have lots of bridges to continue to cross. Dirt therapy helped me clear some things out of my brain. As much thinking as I do, you'd think I could solve all the world's problems. That's okay though I do know how to live forward today. I have answered a few of my issues. I just keep going one step at a time. When it is my time to join Scott and God, I will know that I took the time to listen not just to pray. I took the time to know that God wraps me in his arms even when I'm smacking a grub! I guess it's better then smacking a person! Cause I'm sure I could give you a list of people I've wanted to smack along the way. So maybe my solution is plant something whenever I want to smack someone! If that has always been the case then that explains the reason why I've bought 80+ bags of mulch to cover my flower beds.

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