Monday, March 21, 2011

Love and Little Green Aliens

"Love... bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." -I Corinthians 13:7-8

What a crazy busy day but maybe, just maybe I might actually sleep tonight! It didn't happen again last night but that's okay when I get tired enough I will be asleep. I may have a break down before then but I will sure have lived a life before I get there!

I have to say how much I love my daughter and how very beautiful and talented she is. She is becoming a very amazing young woman. This afternoon they had a pre UIL concert for practice before their actual competition. I wasn't able to stay for all three bands but I must say these kids are amazingly talented and have been truly blessed with great teaching along the way. They played an amazing song that is titled "Voices in the Sky." It was very powerful and I wish I had a copy of them playing the music. There are Angels in the music that deliver messages.

Then tonight, without a stop at home, I made my way to the best monthly fellowship a girl could have - BUNCO. These ladies are fantastic and amazing and I love spending time on our once a month visits. I can't tell you how much my boring little life is all brightened up after trying to count and talk at the same time! Tonight was even better because I won a prize. Made me feel like I need a trip to Vegas, I was on such a roll! I'm not much of a gambler though so I think it might be for the shows!

Well, work as crazy busy as it gets, I still have these great peeps who I love. Where else can you talk about little green alien men and oompaaloompahs all in one sentence. I still don't understand why the little green alien men don't come and kidnap you from work! Why is it all the safety and comfort of your bed? Just a random thought that made me go Hmmmm?!?!?

I also spent some time on the phone with Scott's sister. Regardless of the all the crap that we have been through we are family because of one amazing man. I don't understand all of this except one thing, We are all loved by the same man and he still guides us and protects us. I have to believe in all of this God isn't vindictive. He is all loving. I have to believe in the fact I have been surrounded by continued love from so many areas.

I will keep going these next two weeks. I'm not sure each day but I know in my heart Scott is here with me for the rest of my life. He is forever exactly what he promised with all his love. I can make it one more day. Now if I could understand the science of sleep I might me a bit better each day. I miss being held and cuddled. Maybe someday I can find a volunteer. I've got to keep thinking positive.

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