Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An Ordinary Day

Yes finally an ordinary day in my life. Did you know that life could just be crazy and boring all in the same note. I was having one of those days where concentration wasn't happening. I'm still doing that right now. I keep drifting. I have no brains today I guess. I don't have enough sticky notes to make my world any easier and yes I do have an app for that. I finally just gave up on anything that required thinking and cleaned out ONE file cabinet drawer. It took me all afternoon and I was surrounded by OLD papers.

I don't think I have gotten anything done. Then I rewind my day, nope I don't remember today as much of anything. Hannah and I did our grocery shopping. I don't even bother anymore trying to do that on my own. I guess I have three more years to conquer that struggle. Today I did cook dinner. I haven't cooked since making dinners for my mother after her surgery. As I was standing there stirring. I felt my Angel's presence. I'm trying to be there in each moment of my days.

I keep remembering so many things. That must be why I'm struggling to focus and concentrate. It must be why cleaning out a file cabinet drawer of outdated, useless speech therapy materials was the purpose of my ordinary day. I need chocolate! Sadly I left the grocery store without any. I did buy tulips for myself! I am really good at taking care of myself. I just keep living forward one day at a time.

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