Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Tree Bears a Message

"I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understand, patience, love, openness, and the willingness to remain vulnerable." -Anne Morrow Lindebergh

To me this quote fits more then just the journey of grief. This is in fact the journey of life itself. We have all lost something/someone in our life. We have all experienced a type of grief and learning to come out on the other end a stronger, better person. I know what it means to learn to live life to the fullest. I used to take things for granted. There are moments when you just have to stop, take a deep breath and smell the roses. Life has thorns but finding that beautiful flower in the midst of all the brambles is shear joy. You just have to take the time to appreciate that beauty.

We all take the time to pray. I do everyday. It gives me a chance to ask for a helping hand to get me to the next day. I think the thing we miss most often is taking time for meditation. Meditation is the act of listening to God! How often do you take the time to recognize a moment when God is answering a prayer? I like to take the quiet and feel the messages flow through me just as breath of air. I may not always know or accept the messages I receive in the past but I lately I have learned to not question.

I have this friend who is even more of a controlling personality then I am! Shocked? Yes who would think that would be possible. Today we were having this discussion and I heard a message. I have something to give someone else. We were talking about taking nothing in life for granted. I understand fully that you aren't guaranteed tomorrow. You must take a break for yourself. You can have a family, children, others who depend on you but you will be worthless if you break. Money and things mean nothing if you don't stop to smell those flowers or taste the BBQ.

I don't always understand the things that have occurred in my life. I don't always believe in the strength I have but for some reason I have been listening. Not just with my head or heart but my soul! I heard loud and clear today a message, a purpose now to hatch the plan. I have learned in the last year above all else live for today, make a difference in some one's life because you could be gone tomorrow. I will make a difference because I have listened with my soul. I will keep praying for Light and love to guide me, protect me and show me the way. Take the time to listen for your path to continue your journey. Prayer only is one-sided. To have a real conversation you must also be willing to listen. God is everywhere, just look outside at the arrival of Spring. The next time you are outside take a moment to pause and feel the answers from God! Those beautiful blooms may be just the thing carrying the message you need to hear.

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