Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is Change Good?

You know what I discovered this afternoon! 1- I can take care of things all by myself when something breaks because I don't have to consult anyone! 2- Maybe sometime soon there will be a time when I can clean out and pack away the stuff in Scott's closet. If for not other reason then we are running out of hangers and I don't want to clean out my own closet.

I think I need some help with closet control! The worst spot in the house is still my craft room because it is still filled with things for the wedding. I don't have a need for any of the stuff. Why do I need 12 black iron lanterns and a mass of plastic plates, cups, silverware? I'm really not planning on getting married. I know I said that with Scott. I didn't say I wasn't ever doing that just that I'm not planning on it. If I say never we all know what happens so less chance if I'm not planning on it!

My wedding dress is still in there but that's okay the door to the room stays closed. I can't craft though and I really need to make some projects. It is just one of those things that I will get to when I can do it without a panic attack. Or someone can guide me through it who isn't fazed by my emotional attachments! I'm not sure that person exists so unless someone comes forward I will just keep the doors to the closet closed.

Today I achieved having the broken garage door repaired! I have asked for help to spread mulch and weed/feed the yard next weekend. That is more because it will go faster then if Hannah and I do it ourselves. The point in that statement is the weed/feed and fire ant killer! It will be used! I don't think I need to be attached to them just because they are the very last things Scott bought when he was alive! He will be very upset with me if I became a hoarder. I refuse to live like that so I am trying to step forward.

I am learning to make new memories and that is what is most important in life. Scott and I used to have this game to move into our new life together where we made our own memories. It didn't mean a change or forgetting out past but finding a new meaning to different places. My memories with Scott will never be gone but I have learned how to make new memories. I made new memories at Disney World with my friends. I will make new memories in San Antonio with two very beautiful, smart, young ladies! It's gotta be a better memory then having the truck broken into and Hannah's laptop stolen! I am even doing something completely different on the trip down and that alone is the most impressive fact. I don't like change and I am making a food change! I'm not promising I will be good with it but I'm trying to make a different step forward!

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